Client: Action Against Hunger
This study explored the impacts of climate change on women's and girls' psychosocial, socio-economic, and nutrition security conditions in the Asia region. Our methodology included a desk-based literature review of scientific research on climate change impacts on women and girls, project publications of national and international organizations, national strategies, policies, and frameworks, and good practice examples from South and Southeast Asia. Additionally, we conducted semi-structured stakeholder interviews with government, international, regional, and national organizations, academic, and research institutions across the South and Southeast Asia region, with a focus on Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan. Semi-structured focus group discussions with community members in Bangladesh and Nepal served as case study examples.
The results of this study included a literature review report, a final report containing case studies and recommendations, as well as three project concept notes.
Publication:Gender & Climate Change Induced Impacts on Women's/Girls' Psychosocial, Socio-Economic, and Nutrition Security Condition in Asia Region